Thursday, December 27, 2007

Bahraini Superman

It's amazing how a very small incident by a less than ordinary man leaves a great impact on you, like the incident left on me last week

Now that I have moved into a new place here, last month was full of purchases like cloth hanger, a cot, curtains, ironing table and stuff and one fine day when me and my flat mate "D" went to buy a mattress for the cot we purchased…

And while coming back from the shop I had the mattress in my hands while D was empty handed, and we both stopped abruptly when we saw an old man sitting on the footpath with a long stick next to him, apparently he could not walk, and he was throwing his stick forward then using his hands to drag himself to the stick and he repeated the procedure again, and while doing this he was shouting something loudly in Arabic…

"Should we help him?" I asked D

"We should, but he seems to be abnormal" D replied

"I think he wants to cross the road, and it’s a bust road, he won't hurt us if we help him"

"Dekh usko dhyaan se, that guy is insane; we'll end up in trouble"

I looked at him again, he was shouting even more loudly now.

"You're Right" I agreed to D and we went home

As we reached home we realized that the mattress we purchased is nowhere close to the size of the cot I have… and decided to exchange for a bigger one at the same time…

As we were going back to the shop, our man had crossed the road already and was doing his "Drop, Drag and Yell" thing on the other side of the road now.

"How the hell did he manage?" I asked D

"How do I know?"

"Wooaah Man! This guy is a superman"

"Somebody must have helped him"

"We could have been "Somebody"

"Ok fine, move or the shop will close"

We exchanged the mattress for a bigger one and got a discount of 1 Dinar from the shop as we did so.

Now while on your way back home we met our "Superman" again… but this time he was standing on this feet, walking and whistling…

"You were right D.. this guy is insane"

"D is the man, D is always right" he teased.

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